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Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) now has an OOD College2Careers counselor onsite at The University of Akron.

What is Ohio College2Careers? Partnership between the State of Ohio's Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Ohio’s state college and university system, including The University of Akron, and Ohio businesses offering college to career services for students with disabilities.  A College2Careers counselor is now located at The University of Akron.

What we do:

OOD C2C contact at The University of Akron:

Mara Byers Mara.Byers@ood.ohio.gov | 330-972-2163

How to apply: 

What to expect during the application process: http://oodworks.com/what-to-expect.html

Connect with Us

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Quick Links:

Mara Byers

Mara Byers, College2Careers Counselor, CRC, CALP
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Direct Line: 330-972-2163
UA Office Location: Student Union 211 (Career Services)